sábado, 12 de maio de 2012


Para Vencer!!!
To win is not enough just to want. Wanting everyone wants, but will win very, very even beyond! Talk with winners and you will have many different stories, but the gist of the conversation is the same:
  • "I struggled to conquer!"
  • "I cried a lot, hurt a lot, BUT THE BIGGEST DREAM WAS!"
  • "Was it worth FIGHT!"

In this article I want to again encourage you to not give up.
I feel in my soul this constant incentive to say that!
There are people who give up just when they are close to achieving what so longed for!Perhaps this decision is made by feelings of failure, disappointment or any other feelingcontrary to its purpose. Understand one thing, to win victories we have to persevere andbe steadfast is the same as stubbornness with a purpose! Yes it seems strange, but whoever heard that saying: "Stubborn like a mule." This saying is because the irrational animal, the mule, when stalls is very difficult to get it out of place. The mule has decided to stay there and not want to leave and will make the necessary strength to anyone totake away. Well, being persevere is stubborn with a purpose, this means exercisingthe necessary strength so that nothing and no one will take the order. 
When you decide to persevere, not always know what will happen in the future, howeveryou must be prepared to fight, make an effort, crying, experience pain and many otherthings not known, however, even through all this you will be convinced to continue andpersist.
The tear that is shed today by pain, sorrow and failure, tomorrow will be poured by conquest, joy and victory.

The swimmer Joanna Maranhão is crying on the podium. Why is it? Is she broke a nail?she hit the finger at the corner of the pool?
Remarkably, in the photo, that crying is because the effort applied to this achievementgoes ahead, it was worth it. See the report in full. Click.

Did you know that on average the champion swimmers train at least 10h per day?
Wow, when I'm swimming in the pool half an hour, already gives a terrible hunger andweariness shaking. The more direct 10h!
Understand, I'm not telling you this simply so you have nice words to read. What I amshowing you is a scientifically proven fact and spiritually. Just do a search yourself. Ask for 10 winners and you will prove that 10, or 100% of them will prove what is written here.If you then search also in the spiritual means that truth is also proven.
The greatest example of that is worth fighting for, cry, feel pain for the proposal is carried out and to talk him missing words to explain what he felt and now, this example is JESUS​​!

He decided in his heart a purpose: "To unite man to God", and persevered in this wayuntil the end. He imagined all that would go before it happens and the anguish was such that even sweat blood dripped .
At the end of everything He said:
- It is finished!
In other words, Jesus said:
- Was worth it
Do you know why it was worth it?
Because today there is no longer a barrier to that man come unto God, was fulfilledPURPOSE. Jesus is the winner. He conquered death and hell and gave us the right to bethe sons of God ( Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - John 1:12 )
I tell you, with great respect and affection:
There is a common phrase in the Brazilian army infantry that says "knife in the skull"means that neither death prevent me from winning.
Start now then win the first victory that neither death will prevent him from winning. Giveyour life to Jesus, tell Him to be Lord and Savior of your life.
Then, firm in his footsteps and fight, cry, do force and not give up your dreams. Trust in God above all, for He will give you strength to continue.

At the end you can weep for joy, sing joy, jump from emotion because VICTORY IS YOURS!
text of image:
The pain is temporary.
To give up lasts forever

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